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Elon Musks Greatest Projects

  Top 10 Greatest Projects From Elon Musk   Every generation has pioneered. Da Vinci, Edison, Jobs…men who altered technology. Alexander Graham Bell, Henry Ford, Nicola Tesla, Albert Einstein, and Elon Musk are creative inventors. In this 21st century, Leonardo Da Vinci has become used to releasing inventions or breakthroughs that strive to change the globe and revolutionize the future. Elon said his creations are either to fix an issue or for enjoyment. He’s accomplished much.  Next, we show you the 10 inventions of Elon Musk and some that he has planned for the future. 1. Tesla Inc. Tesla may be Musk’s best-known innovation. Tesla was founded in 2003 to reduce oil dependency and promote sustainability. The battery and powertrain are cutting-edge. Tesla extended from the Model S car to SUVs and trucks.  This electric automobile is popular. Elon has since additional features. All drivers need to do is upgrade their car to enjoy amenities like a sketchpad for kids and a dog or bunny mod